Heroes, I just learned about ChoreMonster and I’m still giggling. Basically it’s is a suite of web apps that parents can use to encourage kids to do their chores. Available for iOS and on the web, ChoreMonster helps you track chores and award points for completion.
With a premium membership to ChoreMonster, your kids will earn a ticket to the Monster Carnival for each chore they complete. At the Carnival, they spin the ChoreMonster wheel and can win monsters, or a selection of well-chosen consolation prizes, like a jar of farts or stinky socks. It’s just another way to keep your kids engaged and excited about chores. Using the free membership allows parents to track and reward chores, but there is no access to the Monster Carnival.
Here’s one of the monsters:
His name is Norbert Buttlock. The reason I keep giggling is that the FAQ section is hilarious. You’ll have to read it for yourself. Here’s an example of one question and answer:
Q: Is the “potty humor” absolutely necessary?
A: Yes. Absolutely. Fart face.
With attitudes like that, what’s not to love?
ChoreMonster has also partnered with the good folks at Crest/Oral-B to make a video that promotes healthy brushing habits.
Cute, right?
If you’d like to try out the app, click on over to the registration page and sign right up. The basic membership is free.