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While parents can experience numerous challenges when attempting to raise healthy, happy children, ensuring that they stay actively involved in wholesome activities during the summer can be particularly challenging. Despite the fact that getting your kids involved in interesting and/or educational activities during the summer can be difficult, it can be done. Below you’ll find four great activities you can get your child involved in so that he or she continues to develop into a productive, positive person:

1. Science Camp
Science camps are a great way to ensure that your child is intellectually stimulated throughout the summer. By participating in camps that place primacy on hands-on investigations of nature, mixing chemicals and making slime, building and launching rockets, and erupting volcanoes, your child will have fun while also gaining a deeper awareness and appreciation for scientific concepts.

2. Swimming Lessons
If you want to ensure that your children have fun while remaining healthy this summer, it’s a good idea for you to enroll them in swimming lessons. Swim instructors will teach children how to move through water in a smooth and effective capacity, but swimming lessons can also boost the self-confidence of your children as they learn how to use their bodies in a fun and effective way. If you have season passes to the local water park or if you go to the beach regularly, sign up for swimming lessons at the start of the summer so that your child can practice the techniques he learned throughout the summer.

3. Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts
Enrolling your child in a Girl or Boy Scouts program during the summer is another wonderful way to ensure that they are actively involved in something positive and productive. Scouts programs offer children the opportunity to gain emotional intelligence as they interact with other children while also teaching them valuable life skills such as how to market a product, first aid and outdoor survival skills.

4. Gym Classes
Getting your child involved in a local gym is another wonderful way to keep them busy when they are out of school. There are a variety of gyms throughout the country that are now creating programs designed to address the specific needs of children, and many of them include fun activities such as gymnastics and sports. By enrolling your children in these types of gym classes, they will take a great stride towards becoming or remaining healthy while also having fun.

5. Summer Reading Program
Although summer is a fun break from school, unfortunately many children fall behind on learning during the summer and struggle when they return to school. A fun way to make sure your children stay ahead is to sign them up for a summer book club at the local library. They can choose books they are interested and may even earn a prize for reading a set number of books!

If you want to ensure that your children remain active and productive while they are out of school, you should know that there are a variety of wonderful activities that they can participate in. By examining the list above, you can select the types of programs that will contribute to their health and happiness. Good luck!

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want busy kids.