Divorce causes a disruption in the lives of both parents and the children living in the home. While it does affect some children negatively, it is important to note that not all children experience problems. And that you as parents can do everything in your power to make the adjustment as issue free as possible. Make sure to go through the stages of divorce mediation and work out all the details concerning the children beforehand. By taking these simple steps you can help your child not have to deal with these issues.
Lost Contact With a Parent
When couples divorce, one parent usually leaves the home, leaving behind the children. This decreases the amount of time children spend with one of their parents. In some cases, children may lose contact with the absent parent.
Lost Family Ties
Children who lose contact with a parent because of a divorce may also lose the family ties on that side of the family. Divorce can cause children to lose contact with grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts from their missing parent’s family.
Economic Hardship
When a couple divorces, the income that once supported one household must then support two. This can cause an economic hardship in both households. Children of divorce are more likely to live in poverty than those who live with both biological parents.
Behavioral Problems
Some children going through a divorce experience behavioral problems. The disruption to the family can cause children to resent both parents and act out at home and at school.
Increased Life Stress
Divorce may cause parents to move, which causes the children to lose friends and change schools. The disruption at home causes life stress for the child, but it is also compounded with the stress caused by moving to a new neighborhood or town, starting at a new school and making new friends.
Decreased School Achievement
Research has shown that children of divorce can experience a decrease in their grades and school achievements. The stress and disruption of a divorce may cause children to lose focus on their schoolwork.
Painful Childhood Memories
Divorce can cause many of an adult child’s memories of childhood to be painful. The disruption to the family, loss of time with a parent, moving and changing schools may be difficult memories for the adult child of divorce.
Greater Chance of Divorce as an Adult
A 2005 study showed that children of divorce have a greater chance of divorcing as an adult. The study showed that in couples where one spouse is a child of divorce, they are twice as likely to end the marriage.
Greater Likelihood of Dropping Out of School
One study in 2010 discovered that 78 percent of children in two parent households graduated from high school by the age of 20 while only 60 percent of children who went through a family change, which included divorce, graduated in the same time.
Greater Risk of Engaging in Illegal Activities
A 2009 poll revealed that one in ten children of divorce turn to crime in the 20 years after the divorce. The same poll revealed that eight percent of children of divorce consider suicide.
These are just a few ideas to keep in mind when going through a divorce. Make sure to understand the needs of your children and the importance to keep them first through this process.
Earnest Parenting: help for families going through divorce.