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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

So, Heroes, I have spent the last two days sitting on my fanny editing articles. There are over 2000 blog posts on this site (can you believe that???!?) and because Google slapped me last spring and I changed the site theme recently, EVERY SINGLE POST requires an edit.

Have you ever added up how much time a job like this could take? Assuming that I spent 3 minutes on each post, we’re looking at…hang on, let me run the numbers…one hundred hours of work. Once I figured that out, I decided to work faster. As of the writing of this post, I’m about halfway done. I think I can get most articles done in one minute (I have gotten wildly efficient, no?). At that rate, I only have 16 hours of work left.


I’ve been putting this off for months because it’s such a huge job. But I have to get it done. So! Onward.

In the meantime, please enjoy the giveaway linky. And if you could say a prayer for my sore fingers and bottom, that’d be lovely too. Thank you.