Soooooo, I think I missed 2 weeks of the linky. In a row.
I’m so sorry!
I’ve been just drowning in work lately, especially paperwork. I hate paper. It’s such a lot of work to manage.
And I will admit, I’ve really let things stack up lately. So now I have a pile that is about 2 feet deep that needs my attention.
Well, it’s not 2 feet deep anymore. I’ve already made some progress.
I GOTTA figure out how to kill off some of the junk mail. And my newest goal in life is to go paperless with billing so that I don’t have to deal with the paper. But I have to figure out how to make sure I keep up with things first.
It’s a process.
So while I am wading through paper hell, YOU can enjoy the lovely giveaway below. It might be shorter this week, since folks may have lost a little faith in me. But hang in there! They’ll come back.