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Tips for Managing Teen Driver Resistance

Ah, being the parent of a teenager. All you really want is for your kid to stay safe and (if you are lucky) show you a little respect in the process. Unfortunately, all he wants is to test every boundary you have given him, especially when it comes to driving. If only...

Parenting Help: Best Tips to Become Perfect Parents

Being a parent is said to be one of the toughest jobs. It is also one of the jobs that provides the most contentment and happiness. Watching your child grow up to be a successful and a good individual gives immense satisfaction. Here are some pointers that can help...

How to Know When a Child Is Ready for a Personal Computer

Every generation of parents has challenges that come with raising a responsible child in a modern society. The Internet and mobile devices have raised new challenges for parents bringing up children in a wired world. On one hand, it’s understandable that parents want...