Michelle at BearTwinsMom tagged me for a meme. I’ve been studiously avoiding it for some time now, but the guilt is starting to get to me, so here goes.
1. I am allergic to exercise. I break out into a rash and everything, but it goes away as soon as I slow down. And no, it’s not heat related.
2. I have made 15 quilts in my life, and 11 of them are actually completed. The other 4 are pieced together, but need to be quilted and finished.
3. I spent 14 hours buying used carpet one day last week. True story.
4. I can not WAIT for spring to get here so I can go out and play in the flowers.
5. I don’t have a favorite color.
6. My favorite snack is popcorn.
7. I love to travel. We drove the US from coast to coast last year and it was great. Tiring, but great. I think I’ve officially been in 20 different states now.
Okay whew, that was work. Now, hmmmm I tag Nan, Robert, Angie, and On Living By Learning.
Earnest Parenting: sharing interesting things with the world.
Hi Amy,
Phew, both David from Confident1 and you tag me for this 7 thing!
I’ll think about it, so far I just found 1 =(
Anyway, thanks for tagging me =)
Thanks for the tag! Now, I have a good excuse to procrastinate on my previously planned blog post.
Poor Robert – I hope doesn’t try to find 14!! You should add you’re very good at quizzes.
Heheh, so far I found only 5, way to go! 14 is too much, David! =)