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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Loads of things to tell you, Internets! Here goes with a somewhat random list of slightly pertinent information.

I’m pleased to announce that this blog is included on Alltop! If you’ve not seen the site before, it’s a place where top blogs (and mine) are featured by category. I’m in the Parenting section.

Upon being told that we’re going on an Easter Egg Hunt this past weekend, The Manager wanted to know, “Are we going to shoot the eggs?”

I’m hosting a giveaway of one puppet theater from my other site, Doorway Theaters. You can go directly to 5 Minutes for Giveaways to sign up for the contest, which ends on the 17th.

This morning I was applying mascara (pretty much all the makeup I ever wear) when The Manager showed up and asked what I was doing. “Putting on makeup,” I told him. He ran out of the bathroom and told the other boys, “Do NOT go in there with Mom!!! It’s dangerous.”

I have no idea what he meant.

I haven’t bugged you about any of my posts over at GNMParents (now ForeverParenting). I write there on Mondays. 3 weeks ago I wrote about socialization and home schooling. Did I tell you about it? The comments were AWESOME. Then 2 weeks ago I wrote more about it, and again….amazing comments.

In a discussion about children and bad behavior, Hubby suggested we “carpet bomb them with consequences”. I’ve been trying to figure out how to work that phrase into a blog post for weeks because it tickled my funnybone. So there you go.

Oh! Also wrote more at GNMParents (now ForeverParenting). I’m on the lookout for someone who can invent me a new thermometer or two. Do you know of anyone clever like that?

Much of the blogosphere has been uniting in grief for the families of Madeline Spohr and Thalon Myers. Both babies passed away this past week unexpectedly. There are no words sufficient to comfort those who’ve lost so much. They are in my prayers.

There’s still time to win a coupon worth $200 towards registration at SOBCon09. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and learn from top bloggers.

Thus endeth the random list of information.

You’re welcome.

Earnest Parenting: helping parents keep up with all the latest information.