You may recall that last May I went to Chicago to attend the business blogging conference SOBCon08. It was an amazing experience, and I got to meet and learn from some really great people, including David Bullock, Wendy Piersall, Chris Garrett, Terry Starbucker, and Liz Strauss. One of the great things about SOBCon is that it’s small; there’s only room for 150 people. What there is room for is a lot of new friendships.
The theme of SOBCon this year is The ROI of Relationships. In addition to the speakers listed above, we’ll also be hearing from Brian Clark, Chris Brogan, Michael Martine, and Lorelle VanFossen. Where else could you get a chance to learn in such a small group from such successful people? Only at SOBCon. And that’s not even the whole list. You can see the program for yourself at the SOBCon09 site.
Why am I telling you all of this? Well! A couple of weeks ago I won a coupon to SOBCon09 worth $200 towards the registration fee. Unfortunately I can’t use it, because I’m already registered. I asked Terry and he said I can pass it on to someone else instead. Is that cool or what?
So here’s what we’ll do. If you’d like a shot at winning the coupon just leave a comment on this post before midnight EST on Friday April 17. We’ll draw names out of a hat or do a random number thingy and announce a winner. Easy!
Earnest Parenting: helping parents go to SOBCon if they want.
Sign me up.
Ok, don’t enter me….but that is soooo cool that you’re offering it to others!
I do have a rather dumb question though….what is that little add box that is under my name and the date. Can we change that? (see I figure that if you’re so knowledgable about this blog stuff you’ll know that answer!)
Do you mean my mini-logo? That’s a gravatar, which stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. 🙂 When I comment anywhere that uses Gravatar my picture shows up in that box. All you have to do is go to and register an image with them. It’s linked to your e-mail address, so wherever you comment with that particular address that particular image shows up. You can use any non-trademarked image you’d like.
I put my logo in there instead of the boring gray default image that the Gravatar people came up with if a commenter isn’t registered with Gravatar. There are also tools that make really neat geometric images based on the letters in your name, but I went with the self-promotion instead. 😉
I would LOVE to see more people using a Gravatar here. It makes the commenting so much more conversational.
ths is for every one?
I’m excited to be going to SOBCON for the first time – and my first time to Chicago. It will be great to meet you.
Julie from Sacramento
I don’t need the coupon either — I signed up and paid in December I was so committed. ;^D. I’ll tweet about this though.
Wow, that was really cool. Sign me up I want to win that coupon.
That’s is great of you! I’ll send your blog address out to members of my online community as well as on twiiter.
Netflix, okay you’re on the list.
Tnomeralc Web Toys, yep the conference is for everyone. It’s really something, and I’m looking forward to it.
Julie, looking forward to meeting you in person! I signed up in December as well. Thanks for the tweet!
Leased Staff okey dokey you’re on the list.
Play Kitchens, thanks! I appreciate the help in getting the word out.
That’s so cool.I’ll let others know about this.Thanks for sharing!