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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Every week we go to the library and the younger boys pick out picture books for use at our daily story time. Right after I finish a story, Captain Earthquake will sigh a tiny sigh of contentedness. I wonder if he knows I’ve noticed it.

Whenever any of the boys asks me for something and I agree, they hiss “Yessssssss” under their breath. I wonder if they know how much that rewards me.

The boys have been creating involved story lines and acting out imaginary characters and having adventures together outside. I wonder if they know I secretly watch them whenever I can.

I wonder if they know how much I love to hear them laugh.

The older boys will be 11 years old in 3 weeks. I wonder if they know how proud I am of them.

We’re talking about getting a puppy later this summer. I wonder if they know how much work it will be.

I wonder if they know how much love a puppy can inspire.

The younger boys are 6 and a half. I wonder if they know how often they make me smile.

What do you wonder about your kids?

Image courtesy of Jeffery Turner via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who wonder about things.