Around dinnertime, I popped the dish into the oven and headed out to pull some weeds in the flower garden. Captain Earthquake was having a snack in the kitchen and I told him I’d be back shortly.
In the grand excitement of weeding, I kind of lost track of time. Needless to say, I was surprised when the Captain showed up suddenly.
Captain Earthquake: Mom! Dinner is ready. The oven has been beeping for at least fifty times.
Me: Oh, okay. I’ll come in and look at it.
Captain Earthquake: Okay good, because it has been beeping for a looooonnng time.
Me: It’s okay, I set the timer so dinner wouldn’t burn. Look at all the weeds I pulled while I was out here! I’m a crazy woman!!
Captain Earthquake: Yes, you are kind of.
Captain Earthquake: No offense.
Image courtesy of jfinnirwin via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents whose children know them too well.
It’s kinda cute and sweet! I’m sure he meant you’re kinda crazy in a lovable way, a term of affection.
Crazy you may be, but you surely get things done! Weeding is such a chore, so great job on finishing that one!
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Ah you are so good mom.
Wish my mom were kind of crazy woman too.
I think he was just giving you a compliment lol. Little boys probably think crazy is a good thing and so he didn’t want you to be completely but just kind of. I think its great!
UPrinting, I agree! Crazy is an important value in my life, so I wasn’t offended at all. I was just surprised at his depth of perception. 🙂
Amoureuse Jr., awwwwww thanks!
MBGolfDog, yes it was a compliment. But he’s 6 years old. Where’d he learn to say “no offense”? I thought it was hilarious. Another day he was talking and said to me, “Be forewarned…” and went on to warn me about something or other. He cracks me up!
Nothing wrong in being a little crazy from time to time. Keeps life interesting. Besides this one is really funny.
Ventrilo, Thanks! I like to keep them guessing. 🙂