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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Well, hello there Internets! How are you this fine day? I personally am spending today doing something stress-free…it should even reduce my todo list at the same time. So I’m feeling rather cheerful thankyouverymuch.

It seems unfair for me to be the only one having a wonderful day. You should too! And what better way to have some wonderful than to have a little fun? We’re all about humor here at Earnest Parenting (even if sometimes said humor is enjoyed through clenched teeth).

So how about we play a game together on Fridays? I’ll post something I think is funny, and you laugh. (Or smile. Can I get a little smile at least?) Then! You post something on your blog that you think is funny, and come back here to share with everyone. Just enter the URL in the Mr Linky and we’ll all have a giggle together.

Without further ado, here’s my chuckle for your day:

I was driving the van yesterday and looked in my rearview mirror to see The Manager smiling. That’s when it hit me:

Tetris, anyone??

Ahem: Please excuse the food on my beloved child’s face. He was saving it for later.

Allrighty, your turn! Please link to a funny post of your own and add a comment, won’t you please?

Let’s laugh today!

**Sorry, links were broken and removed. Please see other FFYF post for further laughter.