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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Hullloooooo Internets! Have you missed me? Wait. Don’t answer that.

I’ve been having a sick week, hence the big silence here. However! Things are improving! I only coughed out half a lung today, which convinces me that I’ll be completely better ummmmmm….soon. I hope.

In the meantime, nothing’s better than a little humor and I have a new funny for you this week. One question I am asked as a homeschooler is “What do you do for physical education?”

Well, I happened to have my camera handy this week and I thought I’d share with you the answer to that question.* Without further ado, here is my Fun For Your Friday offering:

Your turn!!

If you have a funny blog post, picture, or video go ahead and enter the link in Mr. Linky, then we can all come over and giggle along with you. And. And!!! I will be converting all links to .html each week, so you’ll get a little link love along with traffic for participating. Feel free to look at last week’s post to see how that works.

*By the way, participation in sports of some kind is a requirement for family members here at Earnest Parenting. The boys get more exercise than that. Just sayin’

**Links removed…they were broken. Hope you laughed at the video anyway! See other FFYF posts for other funnies.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to laugh.