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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US, a time that we use to be with family and think about our blessings. I’m thankful of course for God’s amazing blessings, our family, a home that’s safe and dry, food to eat, and an income that meets our needs and then some.

“Count your blessings” someone said on the radio the other day. “Count your blessings, and your problems will seem smaller. Count your problems, and your blessings will seem smaller.” I like that.

So. What else am I thankful for? It may seem strange, but I’m really thankful for my appliances.

Are you done giggling yet?

Think about it: you put dirty dishes into a box, close the door and push a button, and when you open it an hour later, the dishes are clean. The same is true with the washer and dryer. It’s amazing, really. What would someone from a hundred years ago think if they saw modern housekeeping? How about two hundred years ago?

We’re studying the Middle Ages this year in history, and I’m just struck again and again how amazingly blessed I am to have so many machines to do my work for me. Dishwasher, washing machine and dryer, coffeemaker, microwave, stove…what do I have to complain about, really? Back in medieval times, women had servants to help with running the castle. When I first began my quest to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman, I was a little jealous about that. How come they get servants and I don’t?

We were doing a study of the book A Woman After God’s Own Heart, and the author Elizabeth George had the answer to that question. Our appliances are our servants. Well, hey then! I can be the queen of my castle, no sweat.

Well, maybe just a little sweat. 🙂 Keeping the house running and organized is a bit of a job.

But I’m still thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving, Internets.

Earnest Parenting: help for thankful parents.