I’ve been so excited about this giveaway! Waiting until there was enough time to run it has been torture, let me tell you! (Posts here are scheduled in advance as much as possible, which can mean waiting sometimes.) Don’t Fret the Sweat is the brainchild of Unilever, which makes all sorts of personal care products. I got to know some of the representatives at BlissDom’11 and was even featured on their Facebook page and videos. How cool is that?
I was already basking in the wonderfulness of all that when I was given the opportunity to do a giveaway as well!
I love giveaways.
Then, when I saw the whole package, I was even more excited. Here’s a look:
I’ve not seen an iPod shuffle before…this one is so cute! The bag is wonderful, and with the water bottle, beach ball, towel, and sunblock you’re ready for a day at the beach. Treat your skin well with the lotion when you get home. There are 3 deodorant/antiperspirants to help with any…odor…you may be experiencing when close to your tween or teen. And along with the iPod Shuffle is a $25 iTunes gift card!
So! We’re using ContestBurner again. All you have to do is enter your email address and click Get Links. If a whole list of options pops up, you’re entered. You can do the other options to get more entries in the contest. Random drawing will take place after 11:59pm EST on Thursday August 31, 2011. Get extra points by sharing your personalized link with friends (you get points if they click on it!), posting on Facebook, and commenting here on the blog. Oh, and Twitter works too. Yay Twitter.
Couldn’t resist. Isn’t it cute???
Okay! Enter soon. And often!
Earnest Parenting: helping parents finish off summer with a bang from Don’t Fret the Sweat.
**Update: The Don’t Fret the Sweat campaign has ended, so links were broken and deleted. Contest pages have also been removed.