While things often go smoothly during pregnancy, it’s still important to prepare for the unexpected. There is a lot to think about, and even experienced moms are known to forget things. When trying to prepare for the arrival of your little one the overall goal should be to focus on making it a pleasant experience. For some this will mean making sure the doctor or midwife is aware of preferences in advance, while others will be content with a focus on their own emotional state. Regardless, every expectant mother will benefit from keeping a journal and talking with those closest to them about hopes and fears for the big day.
Building a Relationship with Professionals
Besides mother and baby, the most critical role on the big day is the health care provider assisting in childbirth. Whether this is an obstetrician, a midwife or doula, or some combination of providers, it’s important to establish a trusting relationship.
The best way to begin is by asking and answering questions honestly. What does each expect to happen on delivery day? Are there preferences or procedures that require input? This is a great time to talk about atmosphere, such as whether music is preferred or aromatherapy. It is also good to discuss optional procedures beforehand, such as circumcision and cord blood banking. There are actually several types of the former, and the latter is a practice where the umbilical cord blood is collected and sent to a cord blood bank to potentially provide treatment for certain medical diseases.
Building Confidence for Moms
Whether this is a first experience or just the latest, there are several ways to gain confidence that will provide clear thinking and calmness during the excitement of the big day. Most expectant mothers are eager to read and learn all about the process and what to expect, but it can change from hospital to hospital and even between practitioners in the same medical practice.
One of the best resources for information will be childbirth classes. These classes provide information on what to expect on the big day, tips to help prepare the body for labor and delivery, and sometimes a tour of the birthing area. Staff can provide information on exercise classes specifically for pregnancy and support groups, so that moms can gain the benefit of others’ experiences, as well as socialize with moms in the area.
Having a Plan
When the delivery day arrives, it may come without warning. Being ready with a delivery bag and having a route prepared in advance, as well as phone numbers and other critical information, are great steps to take early. Delivery dates, even for planned induction, are subject to change without warning, and it is better to be prepared than deal with extra stress on delivery day.
This article was written by Alan Cassidy, an active writer within the blogging community covering maternity and childbirth, and always advocating for infant and children’s health. Connect with him on Twitter @ACassidy22
Earnest Parenting: help for expectant mothers who want delivery day to go smoothly.
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