I wrote a while back about the Great Call 5Star Urgent Response system. With this program, you can get help at the touch of a button. As our parents grow more frail, it’s certainly something we’re talking about for them. And if I had a situation where the boys were away from us on a regular basis, I’d sure love Urgent Response for them as well.
A great complement to the program is the Jitterbug cell phone. For starters, it’s not a smart phone. Those are getting more and more difficult to find. And? The buttons are large. Nothing frustrates my father-in-law faster than tiny buttons, which means he rarely will use a cell phone. At 88 years old, I’d like to know that he has access to help in an emergency.
So. The Jitterbug is easy to use for both seniors and children, and it can come with 5Star Urgent Response. On top of that, prices are pretty reasonable. Plans for the phone start at $14.99 per month, and Urgent Response is an additional $14.99 per month. There are no contracts or early cancellation fees (although there are some connection fees). A second line would be $8.99 per month. That’s darn cheap.
I really like the idea of my in-laws being able to contact help nationwide, since Urgent Response is kind of like OnStar. Just not in a car. No matter where they are, the folks can get help with the push of one button. That’s something that won’t frustrate Dad.
Easy-To-Use GreatCall Phones are a PERFECT GIFT! Affordable plans.NO contracts. Unlimited Plan & Share Plans Available. Buy Now!
FTC Disclosure: the link to the Jitterbug phone is an affiliate link. If you click on it and subsequently buy, I get to earn some money. And you get a great phone/safety program.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want a good safety system for seniors or children. Or both.
The Jitterbug is a great phone for seniors. It is exactly what they need. Anything more complicated and they get confused. I wonder how the Tracfone SVC compares to this.