Are you familiar with Cute Kid? This site runs a photo contest with prizes awarded monthly as well as annually. You can enter adorable pictures of your children up to age 12 in various categories. Each month, 6 winners are chosen and get $500. In addition, one overall winner is chosen each month with the prize of $1000 awarded.
At the end of the year, the monthly winners go up against one another and one annual winner is chosen. THAT prize is a $25,000 college tuition fund. How amazing would that be??!?
There is a cost to enter the main contest on Cute Kid, but there are also special galleries that can be entered for free. See the site for complete details. When you join there are some neat member benefits, including a free canvas print of the photo. I’ve gotten a canvas print done, and it’s absolutely one of my most favorite pictures.
And let me know if you win!
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My daughter won!