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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

I was contacted this summer by Scott Harpole, of MyDadsBedtimeStories.com. Scott has created and recorded a whole collection of stories for kids to enjoy at bedtime. There are printed books and audio cd’s as well as downloadable tracks. Scott has even created a monthly club called The My Dad’s Bedtime Stories Readers Club. For $6 per month, you get a new story every week.

Scott was kind enough to send me 2 stories to listen to: Hooray-Sa-Doodles and Rare Bunnies. I asked The Manager to take a listen, and he smiled through Rare Bunnies. Then he not only giggled through Hooray-Sa-Doodles, but also went and got Captain Earthquake so we could listen to it again. The Captain also enjoyed it.

Given that they’re almost eleven years old, I wasn’t sure they’d enjoy the stories as much as they did. Great job, Scott!

Scott has been kind enough to extend a giveaway offer to the readers of Earnest Parenting, as well as a discount that I’ll tell you about shortly.

The giveaway is for a signed copy of the book Sleepy Beach, which comes with a CD inside, AND a one year subscription to the Story Teller Club. The retail value of this package is $87.

To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below. Anyone who is already following on Twitter or Facebook gets an easy entry! You can also enter by following Scott on Twitter or liking My Dad’s Bedtime Stories on Facebook.

Also! Scott has created a special offer for everyone who sees this post. Use the coupon code PARENTING to get a free copy (you just pay the shipping/handling) of Scott’s Special Edition CD with 4 of his favorite stories on it. Just use the offer code PARENTING in the shopping cart.

We’re getting into the Christmas Shopping Season, Heroes. This would make a terrific gift for any young’n in your life who adores stories.

a Rafflecopter giveaway