When you confirm that you are expecting, you quickly start nesting and planning. From choosing which room will be baby’s room to the theme of the nursery, getting everything in order throughout your pregnancy becomes a priority. If this is your first child, you may need to do more than just paint and decorate a room to prepare for your new addition. In fact, many homes are not kid-friendly, and there are projects you will need to take on to make your home environment as welcoming and safe as possible for your child. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips that will help you target the common trouble areas.
Choosing Kid-Friendly Flooring
A great design starts with great flooring, because infants and toddlers spend a lot of time crawling, rolling and playing on the floor. The flooring you choose needs to be able to stand up to abuse and that is also safe and easy to clean. If you have carpeting, you should dry clean the carpeting. If you want to replace the carpeting and choose a renewable product that is recommended by safety and health experts, choose wood, linoleum, or cork. Also consider the adhesives that you use, which should be non-toxic. An infant’s skin is very permeable, and this makes them more sensitive to pollutants. Keeping your flooring clean can help keep them comfortable and healthy.
Painting the Walls
Loud and intense colors may be too overwhelming for your child’s developing eyes. If you are planning on painting the home, choose neutral calming tones. Also be sure to use a natural paint with little to no latex so that they can distribute natural light throughout the room. By doing this, you can help your child’s vision develop quickly.
Removing Hazardous Items from the Home
There will be some items in the home and outdoors that you simply can’t have around when you have a toddler roaming around. If you are taking a break from fishing, from sewing, or from ATVing, it is best to rent a storage unit and store these items away from the home. Not only will you eliminate possible hazards, you can also free up space.
Everyone wants to create the best possible environment for their little one. Make sure that you focus on improving the air quality in the home, comfort, and most things will come together over time. By removing the potential hazards, you can breathe when you take your baby home from the hospital.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to have a safer home.