When it comes to decorating bedrooms for kids, there’s a world of possibilities to choose from. Whether you’ve got a girl who wants a princess theme or a boy who wants his room decked out in trains, there are fun ways to make their spaces work.
A Toy Chest That Holds Their Treasures
It’s time to play and your child can’t find their favorite toy! Kids are always dragging out their beloved items all over the room. Get a cool toy chest that goes well with their space and keeps their toys together. Kids love bright colors.
A Bed That’s Beautiful
Read a story and say sweet dreams to them in a beautiful bed they adore. Pick a comforter or duvet color that goes well with their room and don’t be afraid of patterns or texture. Choose a few fluffy decorative pillows as well. There are a ton of ideas to choose from when it comes to beds for girls.
Pictures They’ll Love To See
There’s no need to purchase pricey pictures for kids. A child sees beauty in just about everything. Hang a poster on their door featuring their favorite movie. Make a collage of pictures from magazines. Frame some of their latest artwork on the wall or a map of their favorite city.
A Place To Read
When kids want to read a book, they need a quiet place to digest their favorite tales. Whether you have a small one-shelf bookcase or a large wall of hardback books, organize it in a way that makes it easy for them to use. Make it look new again and give it a few strokes of paint in their favorite color.
A Creative Space That Ignites Their Imagination
Kids love playing pretend and getting creative. Make an area of their room their creativity hot spot with play clothes for dress-up time or art supplies to make pretty pictures.
A Dresser That Makes Mornings Easy
Getting ready in the morning can be hard for kids. When you’re short on time and need to get going, you’ll be glad you have a dresser that makes sense for your child. Label each drawer by the types of weather: hot, cold, rainy and snow.
Kids use their bedrooms for everything and decorating their spaces can be fun. With some great pieces of furniture, along with a few details here and there, you’ll have everything you need to make a bedroom that they will absolutely love.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want easy decorating ideas.