Winter weather can set the stage for costly damage to the exterior of your home. Preparation is a cost-effective strategy to assure that you spend the coldest parts of winter inside your home instead of managing repairs. Use these tips to save time, money and protect the outside of your home during the winter.
Prevent frozen pipes
Freezing temperatures can cause your house’s pipes to freeze, expand and even burst. Prevent your pipes from freezing by using insulation for any exposed pipes. If the temperatures are at or below freezing level, keep a small trickle of water running inside your house to stop your pipes from freezing.
Ventilate the attic
Your attic needs to remain well ventilated to keep the temperature close to the outdoors temperature. This will prevent ice from forming on your roof. If ice melts on your roof, it could leak into your house and cause water damage.
Remove snow from roof
If your roof has snow accumulation, especially on the downwind side, it should be removed before too much snow piles up. You can do this yourself or consult a professional. If you suspect roof overload, which can happen when too much snow accumulates, contact a professional water/snow extractor immediately. Signs of roof overload include; a roof that looks swayed, cracking or popping sounds and sticking doors and windows.
Prevent water intrusion
Seal up any exterior gaps in walls or in the roof that could allow water from melting snow inside your house. Water damage from snow can be very costly if it damages the structure of your home.
Clear gutter debris
Make sure to keep your gutters cleared this winter. The weight of gutter debris and snow can be dangerous to your home and can causing flooding. Overloaded gutters can also pose a hazard if they fall. Gutter services in Indianapolis, such as D & B Continuous Guttering LLC, specialize in keeping gutters properly cleared and secured.
Secure outdoor structures
Tree branches that are overloaded with snow can be dangerous to the outside of your home. Gently brush and shake them off, if possible. If you have a gas meter on the outside of your home, keep it clear of snow. Any walkways should be shoveled. Never use lawn fertilizer to melt ice patches on walkways.
Winter weather can cause a number of structural issues to your home. Implementing these tips to keep the outside of your home safe this winter is a great strategy for preventing wintertime catastrophes. If you aren’t sure about doing any of the listed preventative measures on your own, consult a professional for assistance.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want safe homes this winter.