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Living Up to the Nickname

I’m not really strongly invested in the boys learning to write with perfect penmanship.  Between keyboarding and advances in voice recognition software, I figure that actual writing will be a pretty small percentage of their day by the time they’re...

Benefit to Homeschooling #84

Benefit to homeschooling #84? Starting the day over. Captain Earthquake crawled into bed and slept on Hubby’s pillow for a while this morning. Usually that makes for a cheerful start for him, but today it just wasn’t so. First he got into trouble for...

A Much More Successful Day

Well. Today was a complete change from yesterday. Hubby put the boys to bed right after soccer last night, which means they went down right around 7:30. Unbelievably, there were still children asleep after 8:30 this morning. We got up and going, and zipped right...

One of Those Days When You Think About Quitting

So. Today was not a good one. Remember when I wrote about the 3rd week of school being kinda bumpy?  But then I got all strict with the boys and they shaped up.  They’ve been deteriorating again.  This morning it took 2 hours to go through about 40 minutes worth...

A Bumpy 3rd Week of School

We survived week 3, but it was a rocky one. Okay.  So last week started out just awful.  Monday I told the boys that their spelling books were going to arrive on Tuesday after being on backorder.  Last year, spelling took us about ten or fifteen minutes per day.  No...

End of the Second Week of the School Year

And good things to report!  I got an absolutely GIGANTIC reward this morning.  See, last year one of the tricks I tried to make things more palatable was to let the older boys work independently on handwriting, spelling practice, and the phonics workbook.  This...