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Cooperation Is Such a Joy

I’ve been a bit of a bummer lately I think, complaining about stress and a new school year and so on. So today?? Good news! I’m seeing some cooperation! We’re stopping for lunch shortly with almost everyone done with half their schoolwork. Several...

September School Update: We’re Surviving

In typical September tradition, I’m here to tell you how we’re doing with homeschooling so far. The older boys are now in 7th grade, while the younger ones are in 3rd. We got delayed by my knee injury last winter so they didn’t finish 2nd and 6th...

Am I a Failure as a Homeschooler?

I’ve had the “add new post” window open on my laptop for two days now. I stare at the blank screen, unsure of what to type exactly. I want to tell you about our latest homeschooling…..mess. But it’s messy. I don’t even know how this...

Banner Day: Boys Finish Phonics Lessons

I’m thrilled to announce that Captain Earthquake and The Manager finished their entire phonics book last week. We were using The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading, which is wonderful and well-done. But it has 231 lessons. 231. We worked on that...