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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Japan Still Needs Our Help

Hello Heroes! We all know of the devastation that Japan suffered with the earthquakes and tsunami, and that suffering continues. Japan needs our help! Donate to the American Red Cross to help rebuild Japan just like Andrew Liveris ($6 million), New York Fashion House,...

A Big Welcome to My BlissDom Buddies!

Hello, new friend! I met so many wonderful women at BlissDom ’11; my heart is full and I’m so awed to have met you and had a chance to chat this week. Thank you for stopping by the blog! If you’re looking for the Heroes In Parenting project,...

A Short Pause Due To Technical Difficulties

Hello, friends! Due to a truly spectacular computer crash (new laptop has now decided that the version of Windows it came with is invalid) I do not have access to my email from the last 2 days. Not to worry, the problem is being worked on as I type and I hope to be up...

Three Things

1. I was poking around cyberspace a while back and found a site called Buzz Voice. It’s a pretty neat site though, so I signed up. It’s free to use. What it does is read blog posts aloud for you. Yes!! It really does. So, if you are dying to hear my posts...

DoFollow and Affiliate links: A Discussion

What I’m about to type will probably mean very little to readers who do not also have blogs. If you’re in that category, feel free to skip down to the next section. 🙂 When I started blogging two years ago one of the things I did was make this a DoFollow...