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Blog Business 4-15-09

Loads of things to tell you, Internets! Here goes with a somewhat random list of slightly pertinent information. I’m pleased to announce that this blog is included on Alltop! If you’ve not seen the site before, it’s a place where top blogs (and mine)...

Blog Business 2-2-2009

Welcome to February! Have I mentioned how much I love February? Well, that’s because I don’t. Ugh. Shortest month of the year, but it feels like the longest. I’m trying a more positive approach this year with my post over at GNMParents (now...

Thanks, Friends

I was looking through the blog and reflecting on 2008, and I thought it’d be neat to make a list of everyone who took the time to comment this year. Do you know how many people that is? Rather than make you just scroll through an admittedly long list of links,...

Whoo-eeee, Blog Business 12-09-08

Hellooooo again, Internets! Have you missed me? I’ve missed you! We’ve been neck-deep in projects for the past little while here at Earnest Parenting. The good news is that last week carpet was installed in the basement and we declared that no more home...

Blog Business 10-26-2008

Are you a blogger? Do you want more readers? Are you a blog reader interested in finding new blogs? Chuck Westbrook is proposing a unique new way to connect lesser known blogs with new readers. You can get all the details at his post and more information will be...

Blog Business 6-20-2008

I’ve been scarce this week because (cue trumpets here) the boys are all away from home. The older boys are at camp until lunchtime on Friday and the younger ones are at Grandma’s until Sunday. After a whirlwind of todo lists and errands about town...