by Amy LeForge | Mar 27, 2016 | Linky
Soooooo, I think I missed 2 weeks of the linky. In a row. I’m so sorry! I’ve been just drowning in work lately, especially paperwork. I hate paper. It’s such a lot of work to manage. And I will admit, I’ve really let things stack up lately. So...
by Amy LeForge | Mar 7, 2016 | Linky
Good Monday, Heroes! Last week I missed the linky and to be honest I cannot remember the reason anymore. Is that bad? I’m a little concerned that’s bad. Anyhow, I made it in (sort of) this week, so here is the linky. Enjoy! I am trying to get things done...
by Amy LeForge | Feb 8, 2016 | Linky
Good Evening, Heroes! I just finished watching the Super Bowl earlier tonight. It was fun! I admit that I rarely pay attention to professional sports, but this was pretty enjoyable. I don’t have anything against pro sports (or football), I just don’t...
by Amy LeForge | Feb 1, 2016 | Linky
Good Morning, Heroes! Normally I try to write the Monday post on Sunday night, but this weekend I was just too tired. So I went to bed. Now I am up super early, having taken the boys to school. I want to go back to sleep! But I owe it to you to get this published so...
by Amy LeForge | Jan 25, 2016 | Linky
Heroes, it has been a moderately relaxing weekend. I like it! I’ve been watching early episodes of Hell’s Kitchen on Netflix, and have discovered the joy that is Gordon Ramsay. The man is hilarious! Of course, I wouldn’t think that if he was in my...
by Amy LeForge | Jan 22, 2016 | Thoughts from Amy
A big battle around here (for WAAAAAAYYYY) too long has been laundry. Essentially, I refused to do it anymore for the older boys several years ago. This is because when I entered their room every morning to get them up, I was wading through piles of clean (CLEAN!!)...