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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Happy Mother’s Day 2016!

Happy Mother’s Day, moms. I know I normally address readers as Heroes, (because if you’re a parent, you are one), but this wish is addressed specifically to moms. Don’t worry dads, I plan to address you next month. So! Happy Mother’s Day. I...

Monday Giveaway Linky – Oh the Mess Edition

Heroes, I suppose you have been through a renovation before in your home. We’ve done a few projects over the years but most of them were new things…not actual renovation. This weekend, we started a new project. An actual renovation. We are tearing out one...

Monday Giveaway Linky – Catching Up On Email Edition

So, the order of the day is email. Lots and lots of email. Lots. I’ve already cleared out a thousand or more spam messages, hundreds of junk mail and unnecessary messages and have 840 left to go that are unread. Of course there are also quite a few that I read...

I Got the Papers Done!

I did it! I conquered the mountain of paper waiting for me by my desk! It’s awesome. Of course, now I have to pay some bills and do other work. But at least the giant pile of junk mail isn’t sitting there staring at me. Making me feel guilty. Now...