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Building a Better Student: The Death of Ego

There comes a time as a parent when you transition from coddler and cheerleader to adult life coach. That means you become a messenger, bearing news from the real world. It catches many young people by surprise, and the fallout can be intense. A friend of mine –...

5 Misconceptions About Homeschooling Your Child

There are many people out there who believe that homeschooling children is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, these misunderstandings may be attributed to not truly understanding the involvement of this educational practice as witnessed by comments...

Growing Numb

On August 6th, a robotic contraption – about the size of a Mini Cooper – landed on the surface of another world after an eight month trip and a mind-blowing maneuver that brought it gently to the dusty ground. That same day, headlines on our own world were...