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Gombby’s Green Island: Now an iTunes App

Have you heard of Gombby? I will admit, I hadn’t. But my kids are getting old enough that I need to spend more time keeping up on the latest Hollywood craze than children’s shows. I miss that time. Gombby’s Green Island is a television program that...

Make Learning Fun With JumpStart.com

My boys LOVE to play games. They especially love to play games on the computer. That’s what makes Jumpstart.com a super resource for us. JumpStart has been making educational computer games for…well, for years and years. When the older boys were little, we...

Create a Stimulating Environment for Your Child

Parents who decorate a bedroom for small children would do well to create a stimulating environment for them. Creating a warm, welcoming environment in a child`s bedroom stimulates the imagination as well as fosters a sense of security. Children who are surrounded by...