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Number Numbness: How to Get Kids Excited About Math

The secret to learning well is to make learning fun. When kids are excited about new things, they are more ready to show initiative when it comes to picking up the pace of learning. Showing a child the practical side of math at an early age will help to engage their...

Making the Most of Educational Games

With rapidly growing support for using educational games as learning tools at home and in the classroom, the gaming industry has seen a boom in the demand for high quality educational games. Catering to this demand, there has been a great increase in the number of...

5 Best Old Fashioned Games That Kids Still Love

Search back through your childhood memories and you’ll probably come across several board games, card games and other types of games that were so fun and exciting that they stick with you today. Many of these games are still enjoyed by kids today, and many of...

Family Builders: The Card Game

Okay. So. I stated that my purpose here is to help parents solve discipline problems and build loving homes. With that focus in mind, I bring you a new feature here at Earnest Parenting: the Family Builders series. Each post will be something you can do with your...