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I Sent My Kids to School Today

Heroes, today is an auspicious day. After 17 years of having children at home with me, 12 of which I was responsible for their schooling, I sent the younger two off to 8th grade at the local middle school this morning. I’ve already been asked how I feel about...

4 Habits to Help Children Become Independent

To help your child succeed in life it is important to look at the big picture. It might be easier to remove everyday obstacles to make them happier in the moment, but learning habits that will benefit them into adulthood are more beneficial in the long run. Here are...

TechnoBoy Goes to School

So. Being that I’m the parent of two 13-year-olds, we’ve been experiencing a lot of teen angst around here. Usually every summer follows a similar pattern: we’re all sick of each other by June, but we have lots of fun and togetherness (and some time...