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Get Teens to Help With Household Chores

Involving teens in the household chores is always a challenge, because after all, nobody feels enthusiastic when it comes to cleaning. The role of parents is to encourage children to be more organized and disciplined and to take part in the cleaning of the house on a...

Bad Moods: Should We Try to End Them?

I love it when comments make me think! On the post Teasing Boys, part 2, commenter Mogs said this: True, “bad moods” may not be bad; but generally if we had a choice between the two we would choose to be in a good mood. As such suppression is not the answer; but like...

Will an Early Bedtime Conquer Bad Attitudes?

I had a couple of conversations with other moms recently that caused me to take a serious look at my expectations of the boys. In the first, my friend told me that her son couldn’t come over and play because he was staying home to do extra homework to improve...