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When You Lose Your Temper

Just yelled my head off and sent all the boys to their rooms. It started this morning when I was fetching dirty laundry and asked The Mercenary to bring any stray clothes down to my room so I could sort and wash them. (Note that I do all the washing, drying, and...

The Schedule That Seems to be Working

I’m writing this at 4:30 in the afternoon, with school just finished about ten minutes ago. The morning went beautifully. We all got up around 8, had some playtime and ate breakfast and started school a bit after 9. The younger boys were done by ten, and the...

Third Week of School Pt. 2

Okay, when last I wrote I mentioned that I’d gotten locked into a power struggle with The Manager on Thursday morning. Basically what happened was I started the day explaining to the younger boys that we were going to do our lessons in two blocks. Immediately...

How To: Start Homeschooling (Part 5)

This is the final entry in the How To Start Homeschooling series. In the first post, we talked about Exploring your options. Second, we Investigated the possibilities. Next we did Planning and in part 4 we talked about Purchasing. Now, we will talk about setting up...

How to: Start Homeschooling (Part 2)

Okay, if part 1 of this series could be given a subtitle, it would be Explore. Now in part 2, we’re going to Investigate. This article will discuss finding local legal requirements for home schooling looking at your favorite style or method more closely locating...