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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

FFYF: End of a Trilogy Edition

Hulllo, Heroes! Funny story: the older boys got it into their heads that we should let them watch The Matrix movies. We saw episode one several weeks ago and episode two shortly thereafter. It took a while to get to episode 3, which we finally played tonight. At the...

FFYF: Late but Exfoliated Edition

Hello, Heroes! Today’s FFYF is late. Oops. I was traveling all day yesterday and ended up with a massive headache today. But! I took myself to my very first ever spa experience. Yummy. I’ll have to do that again sometime. And the headache is much better,...

FFYF: Icy Spring Edition

Welcome to spring, Heroes! We’ve been celebrating with a good old fashioned ice storm this week. It’s the latest and greatest way all the cool kids start a new season. That’s supposed to be warmer. Yea. Anyhow, I have so been enjoying the beauty of...

FFYF: Serene Picture Edition

Good Friday, Heroes! Today for Fun For Your Friday I bring you a lovely picture that is calm and serene. Because that makes me happy on a Friday. What makes you happy? You’re welcome. Welcome to the March 18, 2011 edition of fun for your friday. Unfortunately,...

FFYF: Relaxing Day Edition

Heroes, I’ve re-learned an important lesson today. Naps are a good thing. After an exhausting week I indulged in a wonderful nap today. Blissful. Fantastic. And only interrupted about 17 times. But we don’t need to focus on that part. Just getting some...