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How to Instill Confidence in Your Child

All children face some hardships while trying to become confident. It is an important responsibility of the parents to equip the children with enough confidence. With confidence they will not only survive, but thrive in life. Self confidence and competence supplement...

Building A Better Student: Below The Surface

One of the shiniest objects in our solar system can teach us a great lesson about making quick assumptions. Enceladus (pronounced en-SELL-uh-dus) is a bright white moon orbiting Saturn. Completely covered in ice, at first glance it comes across as a barren place, a...

Family: Being There for One Another

I was thinking about something the other day about my kids and all the mistakes I made when they were young. They never said a word; they just kept on loving me even though I was not perfect. Children have that ability built right in for unconditional love whereas...