We had a big moment here the other day: I handed a boy a bottle of regular shampoo and instructed him in its safe use. Then I sent him to the shower.
I honestly hadn’t considered this particular milestone in life, Internets. But here we are. The shampoo we’ve been using just wasn’t able to keep up with the oily skin my boy seems to be developing so we took the plunge. There was resistance at first, but he was pleased when I offered a few choices for him to sniff. You’ll be happy to know that Suave has a lovely “clean scent” something or other (that I bought on sale thankyouverymuch) that pleased him.
So. The changes are beginning. We’re more than half-way to 18, that magic number when boys are declared men. I can’t even begin to imagine what that will be like really…my boys all grown and out of the nest…facing the world on their own.
Probably they’ll take their shampoo with them.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents whose children use adult shampoo.
Image courtesy of CJ Sorg via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
yah for sure they will keep it. it reminds them in their chilhood years…just be sure that even they are already in tennage life, they still in right path… keep guiding them…=)
I do thnk dat thy will surely kp it wid thm….. Bcz its good 2 use Baby shampoo, bt safely too…
Sounds like you are a really loving parent, way to go.
Family first,
I’ve never seen such a great baby shampoo. Parents really love their children very much.
Awesome, I’ll bet he felt great about that. Teen boys LOVE personal care products! But many times they’re very secretive about it.
My only son is 16 years old–only 2 years to go. When I noticed that his skin is getting oily, I bought a specially-formulated facial soap. At first, he protested but when he saw that his acne was drying up, he thanked me by bringing a bunch of my favorite green leafy vegetable. 🙂
Hahaha… As an adult, I’m still using Johnson’s and Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash. It’s actually quite drying so it would work on oily skin/scalp. I like this body wash/shampoo because it has “fewer” ingredients than many others. I’m sure those ingredients are still artificial chemicals but I just feel better there are “fewer” of them. =)
It is better to use good shampoo because it is for the safe of your cute baby.^_^
Yeah right!
I remember while younger having shampoo in my eyes and crying because of it!
good thing to use a baby shampoo, and it might be more adapted to his age and his hair,
I believe your son do not have baldness so he might not really need it!
Good luck with your child
I had a nephew that was supposed to give up baby shampoo but he loves it way too much. I think he really likes the smell so he actually has to wash his hair twice sometimes cause it is just not strong enough. Maybe someday he will be able to give it up. Thanks for sharing.
its hard to pull that away from them. I tried to keep the same bottle but change the contents because they know the bottles. It didnt work 🙁
Nice story :). I use a non perfumed one for my kids, as well as environmental friendly. I think that is a good responsibility to learn our kids, how to take care of the environment.
It’s funny how they get upset when you take something away they are so used to having. Even if you replace it with something else, there is always resistance in the beggining. We tried taking away my daughters “soft blanket” and replacing it with a normal blanket………not a fun two weeks!
Wow, I never thought about giving up the baby shampoo as a milestone in parenting, but I think you’re right! I tried giving my 5 yr old son regular shampoo but we had big problems with it getting in his eyes and I know it hurts like heck…so back to the baby shampoo for now it is.
Real Estate Broker, I’m so NOT ready for the teen years! They’re already too close, lol.
Motorcycles for Sale, yes I think the scent is their favorite part. The kid’s shampoos always smell so delicious.
Mari, thanks. 🙂 Nice to have you as part of the conversation.
Selena, we’re definitely blessed with a lot of luxurious choices, even in baby shampoo.
Val, I think we’ll be moving on to deodorant next. He’s only ten but wow! The smell almost knocked me out recently.
Rose, awwww! That’s great. What a sweet boy. We’re trying to balance the oily skin for The Mercenary too.
Julia I never would have thought of baby shampoo as drying. And yes, there are chemicals there too. It’s pretty hard to avoid unless you find something completely organic. 🙂
Manila Office Space, yes it’s nice to have the tear-free formula.
Milena I too remember the pain of shampoo in the eyes. Not fun!
Fish House that’s why we switched to the adult shampoo with him. Even washing daily wasn’t enough to keep the oil under control. I got The Mercenary to choose a new ‘poo by letting him smell several choices.
Judah, so sneaky! I like it. 🙂 Too bad it didn’t work.
Sasha it’s great to care about the environment.
Reverse Phone Number Search, so at the end of the two weeks was your daughter acclimated to the new blanket? Change is so hard for young ones, isn’t it?
Chelle, there’s no hurry. 🙂 And I think the baby versions smell better anyway. Not much cuter than a clean boy who smells like blueberry.
For the most part she is now. But even after a couple of weeks she would still ask for it about three nights a week. You feel so bad for them when they look at you and cry though. It’s like you took away something that made them feel safe.
Reverse Phone Number Search awwwww that sounds sad. I’m sure you had a good reason for the change and hopefully the sadness will pass.
thanks for the blog it’s so nice.
Really nice and informative post. There are many kinds of shampoos, which haven’t got the chemicals and they are only manufactured specially for the babies.
manilla office space, thanks. 🙂
Valentine Messages you’re right. I thought the tear free formula was achieved with chemicals, but I have never really looked into it. I’m making changes to more natural stuff a little at a time.
It seems that you’re enjoying taking care of your boy.
onesie, yes I am. I enjoy all of my boys!
baby shampoo is very important….for a child it is not good wenn a shampo go in the eyes…i´m sure you are a good parent.
i hope all good for your son.
What about baby shampoo’s, they dont have harmful chemicals and should be used for babies
i think for child is it very important to use adapt shampoo. sometimes can be difficoult for a child whenn shampo goes in the eyes.
we have to take care of our child
bye nice post
jaonson baby lotions and shampoo not harmful for babies…
As parents we always want the best for our babies despite of it’s price as long as it is worth the price and works best for our babies. This is how we get to prove our love and compassion to our family and to our kids. It pays to be the best parents.:)