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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

We had a big moment here the other day: I handed a boy a bottle of regular shampoo and instructed him in its safe use. Then I sent him to the shower.

I honestly hadn’t considered this particular milestone in life, Internets. But here we are. The shampoo we’ve been using just wasn’t able to keep up with the oily skin my boy seems to be developing so we took the plunge. There was resistance at first, but he was pleased when I offered a few choices for him to sniff. You’ll be happy to know that Suave has a lovely “clean scent” something or other (that I bought on sale thankyouverymuch) that pleased him.

So. The changes are beginning. We’re more than half-way to 18, that magic number when boys are declared men. I can’t even begin to imagine what that will be like really…my boys all grown and out of the nest…facing the world on their own.

Probably they’ll take their shampoo with them.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents whose children use adult shampoo.

Image courtesy of CJ Sorg via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.