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My friend Sherry over at CityChicOnAFarm introduced me to the MckLinky Blog Hop last week. Ever been on a blog hop? Me neither! Let’s try it, shall we? The topic this week is 3 Things Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids (I know…you didn’t see THAT coming at all, didja??). This sounded like a fantastic topic, so without further ado….

3 Things Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

Every kid should learn how to be comfortable around poop. This is a critical skill in life, as any of us with children have learned in alarming detail. When I got married as a 20-something young professional, I never in my wildest dreams considered that I’d someday call my husband on the phone to describe the contents of a diaper in gory detail with a straight face. Increasing the poop comfort level early is also handy when you want the young’ns to clean up after a pet. (She writes after following 2 gagging boys around the yard today as they completed their very first Poop Patrol.)

Also incredibly important in life is the ability to commit a misdeed without being caught. I’m not talking actual illegalities here. But if you’re going to get into the cupboard and steal a marshmallow, at least have the courtesy to seal up the bag and close the cupboard door. I have no respect for sloppy criminals.

Finally, every parent should teach their child to change their underwear daily. This can be more difficult than it first appears, so if you’re not a parent you may think this is a crazy item on the list. Those of you with pre-teen boys know exACTly what I’m talking about. For example, I did manage to convince a certain son of mine to take a set of clean undies along with him on a sleepover at a friend’s last week. However, this did not translate into him actually taking off the dirty set and putting on the clean.


UPDATE: Sorry, the blog hop no longer exists. I still stand by this list though.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who need their children to change their underwear.