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Get Your Kids Up and Moving

How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions so far?  Did you make one to get in shape or start eating healthier?  Hopefully if you did you’re in that small minority of people that can stick to your guns and keep it up.  While adults are getting in shape and...

Building a Better Student: Concentration and Attitude

For years we’ve been told that the best thing we could do for our kids before sending them off to school was to feed them breakfast. Breakfast, it was said, boosted their brain function and gave them a running start in their education. Now it looks as if we should’ve...

Successful Weight Loss After Pregnancy

You have delivered a baby and surely there might be something running into your mind and I guess this is surely the tips to lose the weight as fast as possible. Before we proceed to write some tips regarding some weight loss then I would like to know some credentials...

Helpful Fitness Tips for Your Teenagers

Maintaining fitness levels in your teenage children is extremely important. Obesity is on a rise like never before. It is easier to combat and prevent obesity if a proper fitness regimen, and a pro- fitness attitude is established early on. But convincing your teens...