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One Million Arrows

Do you have a vision for your children to change the world? What do you want your children to be doing with their lives when they’re adults? I don’t mean career-wise. I mean in life. This is a serious question; one that both Hubby and I have considered off...

What Kind of Parent Do You Want To Be?

I’ve been thinking more lately about what I would love my home to look like 5 years from now. The older boys would be 15 by then, and I’ve been realizing that I have a pretty clear picture in my head of what kind of Mom I want to be…what kind of...

The end of one journey….

Today was our new pastor’s first day. It is also a year, almost to the day, since we met as a congregation and voted to hang together rather than close the doors. It’s been a tough year, and hard for everyone who stayed and worked to keep at least the bare...