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4 New Daddies

As promised, here she is: our new puppy. We drove to Ohio Monday and spent the night at a hotel with a water park. Very fun! Then Tuesday we went and got Keely and drove home. It was a fantastic trip, but exhausting. I didn’t even feel like eating anything until...

Do Your Kids Share Bedrooms?

Right now, each set of boys shares a bedroom. This is rather an efficient arrangement, as we live in a 3-bedroom home. We have room to expand though, and could possibly add 2 more bedrooms in the next year or so. I want one room for visiting family. I could...

They Grow Too Fast

It suddenly hit me the other day; I don’t have little kids anymore. Time is passing all too quickly and my boys are growing up. The little guys are 5 now, while the older ones just celebrated their 10th birthday this week. (Happy Birthday again, sweeties.) It...


Ever have one of those moments? You know, the one when you smack yourself on the forehead (figuratively speaking) and say “duh!” to yourself? Kind of like the V-8 commercial. Well, I had one this past Tuesday. True confession here: I’m not a morning...