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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

FFYF: The Final Edition

Happy Friday, heroes! Today is the very last Fun For Your Friday. After more than a year of doing this carnival, it’s time to close the doors. I’m still doing the Parenting Link Roundup, which has gotten a good deal more participation. 🙂 That carnival will...

FFYF: Carnival Down Edition

Good Friday, Heroes! Well, BlogCarnival appears to be down again, so I can’t pull the usual Fun For Your Friday articles. I’ll add them in as soon as the site comes back up. Soon, I hope! In the meantime, we’re having a bit of fun here on Friday....

FFYF: Happy Spring Edition

Good Friday, Heroes! We’re finally in spring here at Earnest Parenting. Although to be honest, we had 80 degree weather before it was officially spring. Very strange for Michigan. Well, not that strange. The only predictable thing about Michigan weather is that...

FFYF: Not So Dreary February Edition

Good Friday, Heroes! I’m happy to report that there is not much snow on the ground right now, and the big yellow orb in the sky has made occasional appearances this month! For Michigan, that is huge. February has been my most hated month of the year for some...