by Amy LeForge | Aug 15, 2016 | Linky
Sooooooo. Haven’t done the linky in….way too long. I apologize. Seems like things this summer just got too busy. I’ve had many articles in my head, things I wanted to share with you. But life got in the way, and I just haven’t been able to be...
by Amy LeForge | Jun 19, 2016 | Linky
Good Monday, Heroes! I’m pleased to report that we survived graduation season. The boys had their open house yesterday. If you live in a region that does not have open houses, I will explain. Basically it’s a party for the graduate. The parents clean and...
by Amy LeForge | Jun 5, 2016 | Linky
Howdy Heroes! I haven’t been as good with posting as I would like, and part of that is related to the week we just had. Oy. It was not pleasant. Basically, high school graduation was Friday night for the older boys. Only one of them wasn’t allowed to walk...
by Amy LeForge | Apr 11, 2016 | Linky
Heroes, I suppose you have been through a renovation before in your home. We’ve done a few projects over the years but most of them were new things…not actual renovation. This weekend, we started a new project. An actual renovation. We are tearing out one...
by Amy LeForge | Apr 4, 2016 | Linky
So, the order of the day is email. Lots and lots of email. Lots. I’ve already cleared out a thousand or more spam messages, hundreds of junk mail and unnecessary messages and have 840 left to go that are unread. Of course there are also quite a few that I read...