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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Hi Heroes! I’ve written before about how much I love SentrySafe’s products. It started last year in October, when SentrySafe was giving away the Pink 1100 Fire Safe in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.

This summer, I was able to give away two other safes this summer: the Compact Safe P008E, which is super handy in the car and the Fire Safe HD4100, which can keep files safe and unburnt in a disaster. Unburnt. That’s the technical term.

Annnyway. I get to give away more safes! This time we have a Sentry Big Bolts safe. I actually have two of these now (thank you, SentrySafe!) and love them. I feel so much more secure knowing that documents and important items are likely to survive a fire. And forget about theft. Anyone trying to move one of those safes is nuts. They’re heavy!

We got our will done (finally) this year, and I have copies of it secured inside. Which reminds me, I should probably make a way for people to know how to get into the safe shouldn’t I? Right now I’m the only one, lol. I’ll work on that.

So! Giveaway. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter to win a Big Bolts Safe, or one of 5 SentrySafe 1200 Fire Safe Chests. These chests are just so handy for keeping small items secure and they’re easy to move and store. I also recommend them for children. I think we got them the SentrySafe ESB-3, a small box that holds their most important treasures and opens with either a key or a code. Having the small safe for each boy has increased security and reduced loss and the resulting accusations dramatically.

To recap: win either a Big Bolts Safe or one of 5 Fire Safe Chests. Use the Rafflecopter widget. If you’re already a Facebook or Twitter friend, click those entries to get credit for something you’ve already done! Winner to be chosen after 12:01 am on November 11, 2012. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway