by Amy LeForge | Jun 15, 2009 | Home Schooling
Apparently our little chickies are operating on a different calendar than me. Based on when we put the eggs into the incubator, they should have hatched last Thursday. Allowing for 2 days beyond that, Saturday was the last day that we could consider them viable and...
by Amy LeForge | Jun 9, 2009 | Home Schooling
Sigh. This year in science we studied the human body, plants, and animals. SOMEone thought it would be a fantastic idea to hatch chickens as a school project. I haven’t mentioned it yet because, well, I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out. At this...
by Amy LeForge | May 28, 2009 | Home Schooling
The boys and I went on our monthly field trip recently. We met my folks at a museum to look around a bit, then took a walk to the city fish ladder. I remember seeing it as a child and have wanted to take the boys there for years but I didn’t know exactly where...
by Amy LeForge | May 15, 2009 | Home Schooling
Sadly, the WeSeed project has ended. I’m probably going to be mentioning things I learned at SOBCon09 for a while yet. 😀 But this is a good thing! It was an awesome conference and I came home with so much you won’t even believe it. Today we’re going...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 20, 2008 | Home Schooling
Just yelled my head off and sent all the boys to their rooms. It started this morning when I was fetching dirty laundry and asked The Mercenary to bring any stray clothes down to my room so I could sort and wash them. (Note that I do all the washing, drying, and...
by Amy LeForge | Oct 10, 2008 | Home Schooling
So, here we are at the several-weeks-into-the-school-year point, and things are going well. I KNOW! Wonderful, in’nt it? The older boys have finally stepped over to the dark side. They actually believe that they can do the work set before them. On top of that,...