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10 Ways to Make School Fun for a 6-Year-Old

Sing the Hokey Pokey to learn left and right. >Spin in circles while practicing your counting to 100 Offer a choice: “Do you want to read on the red couch or the brown couch today?” Act out stories with Papo figures. Draw a picture of the story you just...

The Schedule That Seems to be Working

I’m writing this at 4:30 in the afternoon, with school just finished about ten minutes ago. The morning went beautifully. We all got up around 8, had some playtime and ate breakfast and started school a bit after 9. The younger boys were done by ten, and the...

Third Week of School Pt. 2

Okay, when last I wrote I mentioned that I’d gotten locked into a power struggle with The Manager on Thursday morning. Basically what happened was I started the day explaining to the younger boys that we were going to do our lessons in two blocks. Immediately...

Third Week of School, pt.1

Tomorrow is the last day of the third week of school. Last year at this time, I posted about some battles that I was having with the boys. Some time later, a group of women who disagree with me on some basic parenting philosophies found the post and spent a few days...

One Of Those Moments

Hey, I’ve got a happy thought for you, Internets! Today in grammar the older boys were asked to recite a list of prepositions that we’d all memorized a while back. Since none of us had looked at it in weeks, I suggested taking some time to review...