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FFYF: Upside Down Homeschool Edition

Welcome again to Friday, Internets! I’m still here, plugging along after 3 straight days of physical therapy. And may I say…ouch? As well as….this isn’t really fun? One of my assignments is to try and bend the Knee That Will Not Bend by...

FFYF: Sick Puppy Edition

Wheweeee! Today has been interesting. Sorry for the extremely late Fun For Your Friday, Internets. When we got up this morning, the puppy was all growly and didn’t want to get out of bed. I saw her sitting outside looking mighty forlorn, and she was making an...

FFYF: Cute Boy With Puppy Edition

Hullo Friends! I’ve shared several fun stories over the last several Fun For Your Friday editions, and realized yesterday that it’s time for a picture. This one makes me smile, so I though you’d like it too. Don’t you think TechnoBoy is just...

FFYF: Too Much Screen Time Edition

The older boys were gone all weekend, which meant the younger boys had no competition for computer playtime. Everyone is particularly fond of a game called Roblox, in which players create worlds and games with their own rules with characters that look vaguely like...

FFYF: New Baby Edition

So, a friend of mine called this week, all excited because her daughter was on her way into the hospital to give birth to the family’s very first grandchild. The boys heard me take the call, so they knew what was going on. Some time later I discovered the trick...

FFYF: Forgetfulness Edition

I know I had at least two very hilarious stories this week that I wanted to share, but neither one is coming to mind now. After wracking my brain for hours, I give up! I must be getting old or something. 🙂 I do have a smile to share: last night the older boys went to...