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Boys and Books: We Need to Reconnect Them

Over the past decade there’s been a growing number of people who have pointed out the disparity between girls and boys when it comes to reading. Why aren’t more boys picking up books? Based on observation alone, I’m confident that one of the culprits has to do with...

No One Told Me Children Were Born Individuals

I guess I was just ignorant or maybe just naïve when I became a parent, no one told me that my children could come out total opposites. There were no set rules, no one thing worked for both children. This was diabolical! The only thing I picked up from Mom was that...

FFYF: Pathetic Threat Edition

Welcome again to Friday, Internets!  If you’re new here and visiting from Ultimate Blog Party 2010, this is my weekly blog carnival Fun For Your Friday.  Feel free to join in soon!  FFYF is all about sharing a smile to make the last day of the work week go a...

Fun For Your Friday

Hullloooooo Internets! Have you missed me? Wait. Don’t answer that. I’ve been having a sick week, hence the big silence here. However! Things are improving! I only coughed out half a lung today, which convinces me that I’ll be completely better...