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Life is Better When the RIGHT People are Angry

I don’t remember if I have told you lately about my frustration levels. They’ve been rather high. We started school almost 4 weeks ago, and it took me all of 2 days to announce that this is the last year I’m planning to keep the older boys at home....

Quote of the Day

Conversation with Captain Earthquake this morning: CE: I love you Mom. Me: I love you too sweetie….even if you do drive me CRAZY!! CE: We don’t always drive you crazy. Me: [laughing] Yes you do, all the time. CE: Not on holidays we don’t. Earnest...

Things I Never Predicted I’d Say to my Children

Don’t throw the chickens. A puppy is not a toy. It’s not cool to burn your brother’s shirt with a magnifying glass. It’s really not cool to burn your brother’s shirt with a magnifying glass while he’s wearing it. Got any to add to...

Would You Let Small Boys Play With Matches?

I taught my 6 year olds how to light matches the other day. More importantly, I taught them how to put them out safely. Do I recommend that everyone just run out and buy matches for their young sons? Nope. However. Hubby mentioned the other day how much older the boys...

Thanks, Friends

I was looking through the blog and reflecting on 2008, and I thought it’d be neat to make a list of everyone who took the time to comment this year. Do you know how many people that is? Rather than make you just scroll through an admittedly long list of links,...